The Leadership Brotherhood
By Invitation Only
Join The Brotherhood - Qualification Form
Complete the information below to apply for the next Congruent Leadership Brotherhood program. If you qualify, I will reach out to schedule an interview.
Many men project their internal dissonance - their nice-guy syndrome or fear-driven ego onto their loved one’s, colleagues, and sometimes an entire work culture. This leadership style creates dysfunctional relationships and toxic work environments that diminish health, fulfillment, creativity, and ultimately performance.
It is time for the rise of the congruent leader - one who Magnetically creatEs trusting, Expansive Relationships and Innovative, Empowered, and high-performing organizational cultures
The Program

Begins September 3rd, 2021 in Tulum Mexico
Live & Lead with Power & Inspiration
Create a Lifestyle of Freedom and Drive Business Growth Through Transformational Inner Practice and Brotherhood

Leadership Brotherhood
By Invitation Only
- 12 Weeks -
Personal Commitment
2 Retreats in Tulum, Mexico
+ Weekly Virtual Group Coaching Sessions
+ Weekly Practice Assignments for Continuous Transformation & Growth
+ Tools For Real-Time Feedback, Support, & Accountability
+ Ongoing Alumni Virtual Gatherings
Financial Commitment
$9,000 + Retreat Travel, Room, & Food
Join The Brotherhood - Qualification Form
Complete the information below to apply for the next Congruent Leadership Brotherhood program. If you qualify, I will reach out to schedule an interview.
The Inner Practice

Psycho-Physiological (Mind-body) Alignment
Call to eradicate the acceptance of high pressure, high-stress lifestyles which has led to an increase in burnout, depression, anxiety and illness.
Congruence of the mind, the emotional center, the nervous system, and the physical body to create robust health and vitality and increase mental, physical, and sexual performance.
The Self-Expression

Authentic Expression & Empowered Action
Call to change disempowering and fear-driven leadership styles that promote ingenuine political-speak, conforming group-think, and blind compliance.
Congruence of one’s true nature, hidden shadows, and ideal self, free from traumas and conditioned patterns, fully integrated and expressed; to reveal one’s true power in all situations and interactions.
The Embodied Philosophy

Balancing Masculine & Feminine Traits
Call to correct the imbalanced masculinity and femininity in today’s culture that devalues emotions and values purposeless competition over meaningful impact.
Congruence of healthy masculine traits of power, purpose, logic, and structure with feminine traits of compassion, expression, intuition, and flow to cultivate authentic relationships and a culture of meaningful impact.
Health & Vitality - Powerful Presence - Emotional Intelligence - Relationship & Sexual Mastery
Enhance your organization's leadership & culture
The corporate training includes education for team members company-wide and private training for selected members in leadership. I will be co-creating this engagement with your organization's executive team to ensure my methodology is applied to best fit your organizations cultural needs and performance goals.
The Congruent Leadership Corporate Training is designed to empower and inspire team members across the organization to contribute their innate talents and heartfelt passion to the culture and mission of your organization. A unified, empowered workforce will lead to a health focused, high energy organizational culture that values brand loyalty, innovation, and performance.
Congruent Leadership Corporate Training
Weekly Lunch & Learn
Weekly Wellness Workshop (Organization-wide)
Private Coaching & Training for Leadership Team
Company Culture Assessment
Additional Services Based on Your Organizations Needs
Corporate Engagement Inquiry
Book Free Consultation
The Congruence Project Blueprint